The crack of the bat, the smell of the grass, lazy afternoons swatting mosquitoes -- baseball season is here and Little League baseball parents are enjoying one of the true joys of raising our kids. Parents of Little League baseball players don't just watch the games, they are the baseball coach, they assist and they volunteer for snack and concession stand duty, plus a number of other key posts that make the season run smoothly. Sometimes filling all those Little League baseball volunteer roles and reminding parents of their jobs can be a real hassle, but VolunteerSpot gives
parents the opportunity to focus on the fun stuff
(playing baseball) by eliminating the busy work of coordinating parent
volunteers. This free online tool is as simple as point and click online shopping, but makes it super easy to setup the entire season schedule of jobs, email parents to sign up and suddenly it's done! It even works as an add-on to team coordination web sites like ETeamz.
Please join the other parent coaches and volunteers out there who are using VolunteerSpot to simplify their Little League volunteer coordination needs. In a handful of minutes, the coach or volunteer coordinator sets up a schedule of needs using our simple online calendar planning wizard. Parents are invited using an email message, URL link or a button on your team or league website. In just a few clicks, parents choose when and how to help, and the schedule is updated in real time as volunteer spots fill up. VolunteerSpot sends automated reminder and thank you messages helping everyone keep their commitments. Great for:
- Volunteer Umpire Scheduling
- Snack Shack / Concessions Stand (scheduling who works it and what supplies are needed)
- Car pools
- Parent Coach Assistants
- Snack Schedule
- Batting/Pitching Practice Intensives
- Field Maintenance Teams
- Tournaments
and more...
Start Scheduling Little League Volunteers Now with VolunteerSpot's free and easy sign up software! At VolunteerSpot, we're ready to help you get rid of paper volunteer sign up sheets, reduce you workload, increase parent participation and help make your season a success!