VolunteerSpot's online sign up sheets are free and easy! Click 'Home' to learn more.
The transition to online sign up sheets from paper ones can really improve the attendance and participation at your events. Unlike paper sign up sheets, which only recruit those who physically come into contact with it, online sign up sheets make it easy to recruit in a number of different ways (including paper) and end up with more people signing up, But if you're still on the fence about how truly easy it would be to ditch the clipboards and put everything online, here's some things to consider:
- Online sign up sheets are available anywhere there is a computer terminal. Both the activity coordinator and the participants can log in, make changes
- Online sign up sheets won't get lost
- Online sign up sheets don't just record who's volunteered to attend, they also serve as an automated reminder service, relieving the organizer of a big time burden.
- Online signup sheets can mean a specific number of jobs are available -- so when the popular jobs of cleaning up during the local music festival are claimed in the first 5 minutes of publication, the organizers doesn't have to deal with the 500 other people who wanted the job, and then scrawled their names all over the clip boards trying to get in.
- Online clip boards are neat - no more decoding strange handwriting, indecipherable email addresses or phone numbers.
- Online sign up sheets can't get eaten by the dog!
VolunteerSpot's online sign up sheets allow coordinators to set the schedule for one day or a whole year of repeating activities, and make it a private non-searchable web-based spot or it can be public with its own public entry. This privacy element is key when working with children's activities.
Many first time online signup sheet users are a bit nervous about the technological challenges of such a new system -- after all they've been using clipboards forever -- but are then pleasantly surprised at how simple the whole process is! From setting up the activity, to inviting potential volunteers via emails, to literally going to sleep and waking up the next day to find half the jobs are already filled -- yes, that's usually all it takes to convince most people to make the switch. And, once the activity rolls around, the reminders are automatically generated - and VolunteerSpot makes the whole thing extremely simple.
There are many different kinds of volunteer actions that are ideally suited to this format of sign up sheet:
- Recess monitors
- Library volunteers
- Auction night workers
- Neighborhood cleanups
- Food drive booth workers
- Cookie booth signups (online job slots mean numbers can be limited)
- Film festival volunteers
- Swim meets
- Neighborhood garage sales
- Socials fundraisers
- Class parties
- Parent Teacher Conference Schedules
- Room parent activities
- Snack bar duty for baseball
- Hockey tournaments
If you haven't tried moving your clipboard online this year, it's time to start. Cut your time and frustration, and make coordinating any of your projects easier than ever.