Solutions and Ideas for Volunteer Recruitment and Coordination
VolunteerSpot is a free signup tool that lets ANYONE coordinate others simply and easily online. Our customers include community nonprofits, corporate volunteer captains, teachers and informal leaders at PTA, scouts and sports leagues.
Although we make signing up point-and-click simple, some people may be slow to try a new tool - even one as easy as VolunteerSpot. Below are a few helpful tips for increasing your Sign Up Response Rate.
Let volunteers know ahead of time that a request for help is coming via VolunteerSpot and why their help is important.
Clearly identify yourself and your title when planning your activity.
Mary Jonas, 3rd Grade Parent
Chris Linn, Food Drive Leader
Alex Meyers, Sharks Swim Team
Remind Volunteers to check their spam/junk mail folders.
Use a welcoming tone in your Activity Description.
The Activity Description is the first thing a volunteer sees when they click the link to sign up to volunteer. Be sure to formally ASK for help and thank volunteers for their commitments. E.g. Our Fall Carnival Fundraiser is next week - PLEASE HELP us make it a HUGE success by volunteering now. Click below to choose a shift --THANKS!!
Tell Volunteers what to expect when signing up from a URL link or a button on your webpage. e.g.:
Please click this link to signup. You will not need to register at any time, but your email address is necessary so VolunteerSpot can properly identify you.
If all else fails, call or email the volunteer and agree on an assignment. We'll send automated confirmation and reminder messages for you!
Once the volunteer agrees to help, enter their email address to make an assignment of a job, shift, or item to bring. This can be done either in the Planning Wizard, or by opening your activity in the My Activities tab, choosing the assigned day and clicking Make Changes, then Assignment next to the desired shift.
Sample leader email message - Pre-VolunteerSpot Invitation:
Thank you in advance for your willingness to help Central Elementary by volunteering at the Book Fair! Funds raised from the Book Fair go directly to purchase materials for our library.
So, you are no doubt wondering, "How do I sign up to be part of the fun?" Thanks to, it's easy! Soon, I'll be sending you an email with a link to our online VolunteerSpot signup page. Please click the link and volunteer for the day and shift that's best for you. Thanks for giving generously of your time so our kids can keep on reading!