Free Online Sign Up Sheets - Clipboard Compatible!
Whether it's at school, church, soccer, or at the office, we've all experienced the dreaded clipboard sign up sheet! Sometimes it just seems easy to pass around a clipboard and get everyone signed up, on the spot.
That may be easy for the volunteers, but it's a mess for the volunteer leader who now needs to convert the clipboard sign up sheet into some kind of meaningful schedule. Have no fear - VolunteerSpot is THE tool for converting your paper sign up sheets into online scheduling power. Using our easy calendar-based planning wizard, set up your activity listing things you need volunteers to do and to bring. These can be anything from volunteer shifts, specific jobs, to lists of needed materials and supplies.
You may give a volunteer an assignment for any item by clicking the Assignments button and entering his or her contact information. Even volunteers without email addresses can be captured in our online sign up sheet.
Once you save your work and complete the planning wizard, automated confirmation email messages will be sent to volunteers listing their assignments including a link back to your activity signup calendar. Two days before each assignment, volunteers will receive automated email reminder messages. If some volunteers don't have email addresses, you will be alerted so you may contact the volunteer and remind them via phone.
It's also easy to make assignments once your activity is underway. Open your activity in the My Activities tab, choose the day, click Make Changes, and then click the Assignments button (the same as in the screen shot above). It's that easy!
So take your clipboard sign up sheet and convert it to VolunteerSpot today! We'll do all the busy work of reminding volunteers and save you time for more meaningful activities!