At Oak View Elementary School, parents love to help out in the classroom. They use VolunteerSpot to help organize parents so that everyone knows when they can help and what they can do. Teachers appreciate the help, and parents love the interaction! Today's spotlight shines on Jennifer Banks, co-room parent at Oak View Elementary School.
Please tell us little about yourself and your current role as a volunteer leader.
I am the room parent for my son's first grade class, and I use VolunteerSpot to organize weekly volunteer activities and class parties. I find the site especially useful in managing the weekly classroom volunteer needs. I also help to coordinate volunteers at my church. In the summer, we run a snow-cone stand on Sundays.How did you get started with volunteering?
I started volunteering in high school. I was a hugger for Special Olympics during high school and in college. I stood at the finish line where special kids were racing. As these kids reached the end of the race, I had the privilege of running up to the participant and hugging him or her. All the participants had "huggers" waiting for them to cross the finish line.
Do you volunteer anywhere else?
I volunteer regularly for Second Chance Employment Services, which is the only employment training and job placement organization that helps domestic violence victims achieve financial independence. Primarily I do legal work, advocacy and training, as the program is used as a model for other organizations and countries. I also volunteer for the Sideburn Run Swim Team. I bring bagels and make pancakes to keep the kids energy up during the meets.
Why did you decide to use VolunteerSpot?
I learned about Volunteer Spot when I was volunteering to help the Robinson High School marching band.
As a volunteer, I found VolunteerSpot easy to use and more efficient than email. Now, in my role as a volunteer coordinator, it’s even more useful. I still have to call a few parents on the phone, but overall it’s saved me hours of time.
What's one piece of advice you have for other volunteer organizers out there?
Do your best to enjoy your volunteer role.
We salute Jennifer and all the other volunteer leaders out there helping those in need. If you're using VolunteerSpot, write and tell us about what you're doing and give us a chance to shine our Volunteer Spotlight on you!! Just email us at [email protected]