Quick and Easy Solutions for Parent Volunteer Coordination
VolunteerSpot is super easy to use - we know that, and you know that - most parents get their first email invitation from VolunteerSpot and in minutes, are signed up to help! (We like to say, "If you can shop online, you can use VolunteerSpot.") With anything new involving technology, it's nice to provide a little extra support and information for those parent and volunteers who may be on the tech-timid side.
We’ve gathered these sample letters as best practices for introducing VolunteerSpot to your parent community. We also have this quick video tour available about How to Sign up on VolunteerSpot. Share it with new parent groups, embed it on your school volunteer page, or add this link in a newsletter: http://vols.pt/HowToSignUp
Thanks for using VolunteerSpot and Happy Back-to-School!
Sample Letters:
- Back-to-School: Call for Volunteers / Committee Picker
- Volunteer Welcome Letter from Committee Chair (prior to sending VolunteerSpot email invitation)
- Room Mom Welcome Letter to Class Parents
- Sample Invitation to Signup for a Class Party (using a URL link)
Note: As background, there are three ways volunteers can sign up on VolunteerSpot - through a direct email invitation, a URL link in a group email or facebook, or an HTML button on your website. Click here for an article from our help system: How To Invite Volunteers.