Today, our Volunteer Spotlight shines on all of those moms, dads, friends and family members who are the heart and soul of our schools. It's almost time for back-to-school, and VolunteerSpot would like to take a moment, before the school year madness begins, to thank these wonderful people who make such a difference in our children's lives and to our teachers and our communities.
Whether it's working at a book fair, running a fundraiser or volunteering in the classroom, volunteers help make our public schools great. Here's a shout out to past VolunteerSpotlight honorees, thank you for all the excellent work you do!:
Molly Austin, Teacher Appreciation Committee Chairperson, Oak Hill Elementary School, Austin, TX.Jennifer Banks, Co-Room Parent at Oak View Elementary School.
Jill Herring, Book Fair Chairperson, East Side Elementary School, Marietta, GA.
Carol W. Garzillo, Fork it Over Program Coordinator, Beaverton School District
Karyn Ward, Parent Concessions Scheduler for Trinity Christian Academy in Addison, Texas
Donna Taniguchi,Walk-a-Thon Chair from Glider Elementary School, San Jose, CA.
Ava Zeligson, Literacy Field Trip Leader for Open Books, Chicago, IL
Brad O'Brien, Backpacks of Food Coordinator, Raleigh-Durham, NC
VolunteerSpot is proud to help the efforts of all of these volunteers, and so many more, in the service work that they participate in all year round. Check out how VolunteerSpot's free and easy online volunteer coordination tool can make your back-to-school volunteering as stress-free as possible.
Additional Back to School Resources:
- Back-to-School Sign Up Sheet Examples
- Room Mom Survival Guide & School Party Ideas
- Fun School Carnival Ideas
- Simple Scheduling for Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Bake Sale Ideas, Turn Cupcakes into Cash
-Team VolunteerSpot