Today, Lian Dolan, creator of The Chaos Chronicles, provides tips on how to improve your public speaking skills, a crucial talent to have with back-to-school officially upon us and all kinds of school meetings starting up. Thanks Lian!
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Presentation 101: How to Wow the Board at Your Next Volunteer Meeting
By Lian Dolan
There is nothing that can raise your profile faster—be it at work or on a volunteer board—than good presentations skills.Everybody notices a volunteer that can come in and give a crisp, concise committee report or run a meeting with confidence. Yet public speaking is on the top of a lot of people’s list of Things I Loathe Doing. Yes, standing up in a room full of people and imparting information can be nervous-making; I’ve done a lot and I still get butterflies. Which is why, over the years, I’ve honed my style and developed some rules.For those of you who are on the next agenda, here are my suggestions for presentations:
#1 Work on Your Material
My theory is that people who don’t like public speaking choose not to prepare because they think it will be “better” if they wing it. It isn’t. If you know you are set to speak at a meeting, even if it is simply to give the final tally for the bake sale, write down your information and have it at hand when it is your turn.Nothing can ruin a presentation quicker than a speaker searching for the date of an event or the contact information of a key person.If your report is longer and more complicated, even more reason to organize your thoughts.Forget jokes, opening lines and the need to tell everybody you are going to “keep it brief.” Just keep it brief and relate the big ideas. Edit out any details that aren’t relative to the whole group and leave any specific questions directed at one or two people for a side chat after the meeting.
#2 Practice, Practice, Practice
Did I mention practice? Yes, your report will get better the more you do it. So, even if you think you look dorky running through it in front of the mirror or in the car, get over it.Nothing says, “I know what I’m doing” like familiarity with your own material. And, in the course of practicing, you’ll be able to focus the message and cut the length as needed.
#3 Stick to the time limit
If you are given 5 minutes to talk, then talk for 5 minutes. The time limits are there for a reason.In the course of a long meeting with multiple speakers, going over the time limit infringes upon the patience of the audience. And reflects poorly on you. If you practice, practice, practice, you will know exactly how long your presentation is.
#4 Speak Up
If you are talking, the audience would like to hear you! Use a microphone if offered and put it up to your mouth. Holding a mic two feet from your face does not provide amplification and frustrates a room full of people who see your mouth moving but have no idea what you are saying.Nervous about speaking into a microphone? Then get to the meeting early and do a sound check to get comfortable.
#5 Be You
You were given a key role in your volunteer organization because you are good at something, not because you are a powerful orator or sage! Don’t get hung up on being the smartest person in the room when you present, you just have to know your stuff. Be warm, prepared and informed about what you are working on. That’s 90 percent of presentation skills right there!
Good luck and good meeting!
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Lian Dolan is a mother, wife, sister, friend, daughter, writer, novelist, and talk show host. She is the creator of Chaos Chronicles, Satellite Sisters and the author of the novel: Helen of Pasadena. She can be found on Twitter and Facebook.