By Meredith Dunn Originally posted on ResonateorDie a blog by The Resonate Group, Inc., a full service strategic and creative house that helps ministries shape their vision and mission into meaningful and innovative brands that resonate.
Millennials may not be the most articulate generation, but we are the most aware. We may seem to have ADD, but really, we’re just overly observant. We may talk in “tweet” or “text” acronyms, but really, it’s just further evidence of how connected we are and how quickly we move. Time is precious and we can’t afford to literally say “by the way,” so we just leave it at “BTW.”
But we’re smarter than we sound and more interested than we look. Believe it or not, we’re listening in church and we remember your campaign. Our lack of action and commitment isn’t because we didn’t understand you; it’s because we don’t truly believe you need us. We’re not whole-heartedly convinced that you want our help, insight, and youth to feed your cause.
There are some who do though. And we love them. Why? Because they believe we can truly help save the world. And who doesn’t want to feel like a superhero?
Take for instance, any of the following organizations (*these organizations are examples of strategy and messaging and not necessarily endorsed by The Resonate Group)
- Invisible Children – The only qualification one needs to be a member of this global movement to end the war in northern Uganda is that they be passionate about justice and willing to use whatever outlet they have at their disposal to educate their peers.
- Charity Water – A $20 donation through Charity Water can afford a family living in poverty clean, safe water for 20 years. Never underestimate a Millennial’s ability to judge an organization’s fiscal responsibility either. Charity Water boldly states that 100% of their charitable gifts go to providing water to people who don’t have it, and they’re overhead and administrative costs are covered by private investors. Millennials don’t have a lot of money, we want it to go entirely to the cause.
- Mocha Club – “Mocha Club Director, Barrett Ward, was leading a trip of college students to Africa in 2004, and realized the frustration among many young people today who feel marginalized by their perceived inability to make an impact…” So what did they do? They proved people wrong by starting an organization that asks for no more than $7 a month and through that, changes lives all over the continent of Africa. For $7 a month, the price of two mochas, Millennials have overcome the stigma that age matters.
Why am I stating the obvious? Because I don’t see churches and religiously affiliated organizations catching the drift that ... Read the full article
About Meredith
I recently realized that my life is somewhat of a beautiful mess. A “pollack-type-picture” if you will, of colors, experiences, and people that, despite the seeming disarray, is captivating & confusing; patterened & yet unpredictable. But most of all, it is mysteriously designed, purposed, and appointed. For what? I don’t know yet… but I’m learning as I go.
Read more by Meredith Dunn here and follow her on twitter @MeredithDunn.