By Lynda Mitchell of the Kids with Food Allergies Foundation
My son is in college now, but I can still remember vividly how worried I was about sending him off to first grade –and into the care of adults who were unfamiliar with his food allergies and how to manage them in the classroom.
Two important things I’ve learned along the way is that advance planning and a positive relationship are keys to success in sending your child off to school–-or to college, or to any new situation, for that matter! It is also the best way for you to give those whom you entrust your child’s care the tools they need to manage food allergies, which in turn, will give you the peace of mind to know that you’ve done everything you can to set him up for a successful in experiencing this new milestone in his life.
The following are my tips for success in entering elementary school I hope will be of help to you.
- Do your homework. Find out if you are in a state that has food allergy management guidelines. If so, your child’s school will have food allergy management policy in place and you won’t need to start from scratch. Also review the recommended responsibilities for families, students, school staff to get a sense of what are key items that need to be addressed in the school setting. Also read up on new guidance for parents.
- Start early. Don’t wait until the beginning of the school year to start planning. Send a letter to the school principal requesting a meeting with you and your child the year before your child will be entering elementary school.
- Meet the school nurse. Schedule an introductory meeting with the school nurse well in advance of the beginning of the school year. Find out what services are available and how the health room operates during a typical school day.
- Get a doctor’s letter. Work with your child’s pediatrician or allergist to get a letter that outlines precautions and the treatment recommendations your child will need for his health and safety.*
- Develop a coordinated care plan in advance of the first day of school. Work with your school nurse and other designated staff using the information in your child’s doctor’s letter to create a school food allergy management and treatment plan customized for your child’s needs. *
- Meet the teacher. Schedule a time to meet the teacher to discuss any classroom accommodations that will be included in your child’s school plan, such as hand-washing, food in the classroom, a special treat box for your child or other issues.*
- Prepare your child. Start working with your child, in an age-appropriate way, to teach him what he is responsible for, such as avoiding allergens, not sharing food and speaking up if he starts to have an allergic reaction at school.
- Make your health room checklist for the first day of school. Fill out all forms in a timely manner, including ones that designate emergency contacts other than you. As soon as school opens on the first day, turn in your child’s physician orders for medication administration, a food allergy action plan, and a fresh supply of any medicines your child may need during the school day. If possible, make sure the medications don’t expire during the school year so you won’t have to deal with replacing them.
- Make your classroom checklist for the first day of school. Make a list of all the items you will need to drop off for your child beyond the usual school supplies (i.e., hand wipes, a special treat box, etc.)
- Form an ongoing partnership. Check in with the teacher and school nurse to make sure the plan is working and your child is adjusting accordingly. Learn to choose your battles wisely and collaborate with your child's school. A positive approach will help you obtain positive outcomes when issues of divisiveness surface.
Despite the understandable worry you will have, do keep in mind that, most children with food allergies attend school safely every day. Plan ahead; be proactive; offer solutions; stay matter of fact, calm and clearly communicate when things do or don’t go right. School planning is a process, and you will continue to modify and make adjustments as the year goes on.
*If your child’s school has a pre-existing school food allergy management policy, use that to guide how you address these issues.
Lynda Mitchell is the parent of a college sophomore and owner of two Labrador Retrievers, one of whom has food allergies. She is also the founder and president of the Kids With Food Allergies Foundation, a national charity that improves the day-to-day lives of families raising children with food allergies and empowers them to create a safe and healthy future for their children. Find out more by visiting, and joining the conversation on Facebook and Twitter.
More great articles for Food Allergy Awareness Week on VolunteerSpot:
How Room Moms Can Help Manage Food Allergies
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