Summer Clutter Tips & Ideas from the Mental Clutter Expert
Organizing Summer Clutter can truly be one of the most difficult task I see folks conquer ... at least in the midst of having summer fun.
This week I thought I would bring you some tips for staying on top of organizing summer clutter as it happens, instead of discovering moldy hole-ridden deflated items next year.
- Create a location where you wipe down, dry off or air dry anything that has gotten wet at the end of each day/week.
- Schedule time once a week to assess the situation: make sure things haven't been forgotten or left behind during tip #1 & repair or replace any damaged items
- Inventory before you buy: duplicates cause more unnecessary clutter than anything else, make educated purchasing decisions
- Once you've decided to purchase something new, determine where it will live long term before you bring it home
- Enlist help: cohabitants {adults & children alike} can pitch in on the picking up, care of and organizing of summer clutter ... just ask for the help
- Rotate a stocked summer bag with things like: sunscreen, goggles, silicone ear plugs, healthy snacks, a water bottle, travel games, spray-in hair conditioner & comb, deodorant, light reading & on-the-go battery charger
- Relax: while it's important to make sure things are taken care of, it's also important to let your hair down and take a breather!
Most importantly, have fun! Get out there - live life - enjoy the moments as they happen! Just leave a little energy at the end for wrapping up the experiences when they're done so you can jump right in next time the opportunities present themselves.
Keepin' it Tidy,
April is a Mental Clutter Expert | Mom of 2 boys | Wife to 1 Fireman | Horrible Cook | Loyal Friend | National Public Speaker who gives you permission to be imperfect.