I Support My School…My Way!
It’s officially back-to-school season, and we’re celebrating parental involvement with some of our favorite bloggers and a Back-to-School Sweepstakes!
You could WIN $500 in school supplies* for your favorite school!
Parent participation in school is more important this year than ever before. School budget cuts across the nation mean our teachers and our schools need our help… in the classroom, on campus, and supporting arts programs and fundraisers. We know that how you choose to support your school is a very personal decision – and one that every family must make that fits with your family demands, work life, budget and personal interests.
What’s important is that you DO participate!
The next few weeks will bring several exciting guests sharing their personal perspectives on parental involvement and celebrating many different school involvement choices.
You’ll meet serial PTA leaders, one-time room moms, parents who volunteer at a fundraiser here or there, parents who run from PTA moms, and parents who support their schools by making sure their kids are well-fed and ready to learn each day.
We’d love to hear how you’re planning to support your school this year! Please tell us on our Facebook wall, or by clicking ‘comments’ below.
*Special thanks to our Sweepstakes sponsor, PackAdemics: making school supply shopping stress and hassle free! Order online, shipped to your door in one simple PACK, easy!
Please enter today for a chance to win $500 in school supplies for your favorite school! {And tell your teachers and friends – the more entries from your school community, the more chances to win for your school!}