Welcome to Day FIVE of
I Support My School... My Way, VolunteerSpot's back-to-school campaign and Sweepstakes celebrating parent involvement in schools!
We have 2 wonderful bloggers sharing thier stories, THEIR way today.
(And a whole lot more over the next few weeks.)
Please meet:
Sarah Auerswald and her blog of the same name!
You might recognize Sarah from a few articles and a CNN video where she pointed out that she was quiting the school volunteer-world Cold Turkey. She had her reasons—and we support all the moms out there in all the ways they volunteer. Even when they choose NOT to.
Sarah has written about how she plans to do things differently THIS year because in the past years she experienced volunteer burnout: "I can’t go back to the way it was. I just don’t have it in me to keep signing up for every volunteer job there is. There aren’t enough hours in the day!"
Read what she DOES plan to do: "Me? I’ll be over here collecting Box Tops, and making sure my kids get to school on time."
Follow Sarah on Twitter @SAuerswald.
Cecily of UpperCaseWoman.com
Cecily is one of THOSE.
Yup. A NEW Kindergarten Mom! And it's no surprise that she's a bit freaked out about what helping in her kid's school will mean for her?
I think most of us can relate to those feelings. Wanting to help as much as possible, yet not sure you have the time to really devote?
She writes (Language Alert): "I don’t know what it will look like, yet, but I imagine I’ll find a balance. Even if it’s as simple as writing a check. But I hope I can do more."
Follow Cecily on Twitter @CecilyK
Click to see all the {awesome} Parent Voices in the I Support My School... My Way series!
VolunteerSpot's FREE online signup sheets make it easy to organize parents and signup to help for just about anything: classroom helpers, snack schedules, carnivals, library volunteers, parent-teacher conferences and more.... No more 'Reply-All' email chains or clipboard sign up sheets! Please share with your room mom, teachers and parent leaders…
You could WIN $500 in school supplies for your favorite school!