Welcome to Day TWELVE of
I Support My School... My Way, VolunteerSpot's back-to-school campaign and Sweepstakes celebrating parent involvement in schools!
Today is the LAST installment of our very fun-very impressive (over 30 bloggers!) story campaign. All sharing their stories THEIR way.
We conclude with 3 bloggers.
(Check out all the stories from the whole series!)
Please Meet:
Lorraine of RunWifeyRun.com
Lorraine is a mother and a runner (what a suprise from her blog title, eh?).
She admits it. She is a 'party parent'.
"Oh, and I do field trips, too. I’m all for hopping on the bus and getting the kids out to see the world." I love her attitude. You don't have to be the weekly 'in classroom' volunteer to support your school!
She has this wisdom to share: "I know my strengths and think its smarter to use them rather than force myself to volunteer in ways that aren’t a good fit for everyone involved."
Read more about Lorraine's favorite part of volunteering: 'Mystery Reader'!
Follow Lorraine on Twitter @AskWifey.
Ponn of AmericanMuslimMom.com
Ponn's mission is to: "enlighten, educate and empower moms, especially American Muslim Moms living in America and abroad, to take action."
She is an impressive mother and advocate for her religion and goals. But take a minute and read through her 79 (!!) creative ways she has supported her school. You'll agree. This is an amazing woman.
First it's a fascinating story to read about how while they are fundamentally committed to homeschooling—this Muslim family made a hard decision to invest in their local school due to family issues. And in only 4 months they gave more than some give in years.
They jumped in feet first and with enthusiasm to help in many (many!) different ways. Here's just a tiny fraction:
- Meet the principal...
- Meet every single teacher...
- Meet & help substitutes... (read why, you'll be impressed with this thought!)
- Offer to teach a lesson plan... (WOW)
- End of year cleaning...
Seriously this is ONE amazing volunteer list! Read all of it right now!
Follow Ponn on Twitter: @PonnSabra
Cindy of MildlyManicMom.com
Cindy works full time and is the manic mom of two kids: one tween daughter and a son in high school.
She says she spent years hiding from volunteer sign up sheets because she 'didn't feel (she) had much to offer'... or time we might guess.
She then asks this question:
"So, what's a guilty feeling, full time working mom to do?"
Easy, she came out of hiding long enough to read through the multiple lists of subcommittees in her PTSO and landed on the one thing she could be part of without being IN the building during working hours. Wanna guess what it was?
Hospitality Committee!
Read more about how Cindy learned you 'don't have to be the room mom to be a good volunteer'.
Follow Cindy on Twitter @MildlyManicMom
Click to see the whole shebang of Parent Voices in the I Support My School... My Way series!
VolunteerSpot's FREE online signup sheets make it easy to organize parents and signup to help for just about anything: classroom helpers, snack schedules, carnivals, library volunteers, parent-teacher conferences and more.... No more 'Reply-All' email chains or clipboard sign up sheets! Please share with your room mom, teachers and parent leaders…
You could WIN $500 in school supplies for your favorite school!