Holiday Giving - Creative Ideas For The College-Age Crowd
The fury of finals are over, and the much-needed trip home from college is concluded. College winter break becomes a haven of home-cooked meals and homework-free fun. While catching up with friends (and attending those obligatory family events), take a few moments to engage your charitable spirit in thoughtful holiday giving.
1. Make Space: Convey the spirit of giving by holding a holiday ‘gift-away’ —Take stock of your room, your closet and belongings left at home. What clothes, outerwear, sports equipment or musical instruments do you no longer have need for? Donate them! Assess your electronics too. What do you really need, what can you do without? Schools and charities welcome desktops, laptops, computer screens, printers and iProducts. (Suggestion: See Tips for Donating a Computer.)
2. Donate a Create-A-Project: Contact your local library, faith group, or a nonprofit you care about and let them know you are available to help during Winter Break. Gather other friends home for the break, explain your background, interests, and how many people they can expect for a bite-sized project that fits with your schedule and skill sets. For example:
- Bring your friends and play with/socialize pets at a local shelter.
- Read holiday stories to kids at the library, shelter or community kitchen.
- Play chess and board games with nursing home residents.
- Social-media savvy? Help a nonprofit setup their facebook page or update their website and blog.
- Love the outdoors? Help refurbish a playground, clear trails or remove graffiti.
3. Give a Smile: It’s the holiday season, after all – so be extra nice! Make eye-contact and say hello to the homeless men and women you may encounter on the street. Fill your pockets with granola bars when you go out, specifically to give away. Buy a warm cup of coffee for a cold stranger, donate dollars and toys when asked to do so while shopping, and be patient and kind with small children.
4. Shop for the Hungry: Amidst all the shopping for cookie supplies and holiday dinner fixings, take a minute in the grocery store and pick out canned or nonperishable goods to donate to a local food bank. Large cans of hearty soups, beans and chili are most requested. (Tip: Consider giving cash. $1 = 12 lbs of food to a foodbank!)
5. Get Fit while Giving to a Good Cause: Work off all the holiday sweets and treats by entering a charity fun run! Running (or walking) in a race where the entry fees go to a cause you care about gives back to you and your charity. Recruit your friends, the more the merrier!
6. Donate a Round to Charity: While celebrating with your friends in town for Winter Break, agree to skip a round (or two) of drinks (or coffee) and donate the money to a local charity. Make the donation in the name of a favorite teacher, coach, or friend.
The memories you’ll create during the short winter break weeks, while giving, sharing and volunteering, will be much more memorable and worthwhile than extra levels on a video game or ‘just another movie night.' Get out there and make your break count. Give back and lose yourself in the fun of serving others!