If you like filing, you can stop reading now. Unless you find entertainment in those who can't stand it.
Now, I have a few tips to share ... you knew I would, but first :: I should probably confess.
Filing :: the preparation
I hate paperwork.
I understand, I'm a grown up. And capable of drudging through necessary tasks {when forced to}.
But, I'm also an organizing expert. And capable of creating systems that 'get me by'.
While other organizing experts may be shy to admit where they feel challenged, I share it proudly. It proves two things:
- I'm not perfect {just like you}
- I've actually tried ALL the advice I dole out
Oh. And. Yup, I live with a piler. By the way, I don't like to be a filer.
In my younger days I would spend an entire weekend filing papers in their adorable color coded hanging folders. I'd sit back Sunday evening, drinking in my accomplishment {along with a warm beverage}.
Come Monday morning though ... I'd feel no pride. All I felt was the loss of a weekend and the plans I had declined in order to "be able to find the papers when I needed them".
Filing :: The Day it all Changed
While researching & writing the Papers, Piles & Projects Workshop I came across a nifty little fact. The 80 - 20 theory. We only retrieve 20% of what we file away {80% of the time}. And for some people that can be as low as a staggering 5%!
{insert semi-truck breaks sound effect here}
Well, you know I had to test that little theory out.
I walked myself right over to that beautifully color-coded filing drawer & started gently assessing one label at a time. By the time I had made it half way through the drawer I was flicking titles like they were pesky little bugs.
I hadn't touched many of those files in years!
Well, except to pack them up when we moved. And even then, if the box had been lost I'm not sure I could have told you what was missing!
Filing :: Something has Gotta Give
So, there I was. Stupified.
I had been sacraficing hours of my life to a task that, in the end, would prove useless.
Once the shock settled in I began laughing. Laughing so much the kids came to check on me, the dog stood in the doorway staring (longer than usual) and the cat abandoned her cozy spot for a quieter area of the house.
Why laugh?
I was free! Not only was I free, so was anyone who took my advice!
No more filing for all!
Well, sort of.
Filing :: A Paperwork Perspective
I had always approached filing paperwork as a necessary evil. Papers needed to have a "home" so they could be found.
In a corporate / office setting - absolutely. In a home setting - not so much.
If you add up all the hours you spend dealing with paperwork over the course of a year, how much do you think it is?
And here's the kicker - when you need something, can you generally find it? Or are you still searching for what you need 15, 30, even 90 minutes later?
{insider tip: people who love to file have stopped reading by now}
Now, let's turn this nasty little task on it's head ~
If you had a general area to 'toss' paperwork, how long do you think you would spend looking for something you needed?
Hint: less than 90 minutes?
Paperwork :: The System
Now, before you think I've completely fallen off my rocker, let me explain a few things.
- You will still need a sense of a system
- You must adjust your habits to fit the new process
- Trust is critical
1. Creating a "spot" for paperwork to live will answer both the "what do I do with the mail" as well as the "where is that bill" dilemma.
2. When you bring the mail in the door - glance through it, pull out time sensitive documents & then immediately place the miscellaneous items in their "catch-all" spot
3. When you're frantically looking for something, arrive at your "paperwork spot" knowing if it exists = it will be right here.
Filing :: Keeping it all Straight
For many of my clients, piles are the way to go. However, the lack of horizontal surfaces usually eludes their capacity needs. What we do instead:
Accommodate ::
install shelving dedicated to the type of piles that make sense to you
For clients that don't have the space or patience necessary for a DIY project {and who are tired of the piles}
Project Folders ::
we use wider hanging file folders in the drawers to allow a larger amount of paperwork to fit
For clients in a state of denial, who want to find that magic wand
Purging ::
we place recycle bins in every corner of the room - each time they see an item they don't need/want it goes into the bin ... ruthlessly, and usually with some sort of victory dance post-toss.
So there you go! Confession & strategies to try {grin}
I would LOVE to know how you feel about filing ~ join the conversation over on the VolunteerSpot Facebook Page and tell me
What's your relationship with filing? Are you a chronic piler? A filing lover? Or simply in filing denial?
Keepin it Tidy,
April is a Mental Clutter Expert | Mom of 2 boys | Wife to 1 Fireman | Horrible Cook | Loyal Friend | National Public Speaker who gives you permission to be imperfect
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