New VolunteerSpot Features | 2012
Do more good with free online sign up sheets from VolunteerSpot! Organizers and volunteers can save more time and energy with VolunteerSpot's brand new features, just released for 2012!
1. Copy your activity with the click of a button!
2. Volunteer Appreciation with Thank You Notes
3. Sync your spots to your online calendar with new links in confirmation emails!
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1. Copy your activity with the click of a button!
The yellow (+) button located within the MyActivities list allows organizers to copy a past or current activity's schedule without assignments and rename it (i.e. copy Field Day 2011 and re-name Field Day 2012). Activity and organizer information, in addition to account applicable Premium features like assistant organizers and extra info fields, are also retained in the new activity.
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2. Volunteer Appreciation with Thank You Notes
VolunteerSpot is making it easier to say THANK YOU to those who do good! Organizers can now send a Thank You message right from their activity!
Organizers click Send Thank You button and then select which volunteers to message (by sign up status and date scheduled). Customize a message and send!
3. Sync your spots to your online calendar with new links in confirmation emails!
Volunteers have TWO ways to link their spots to their online calendars now! When signing up, after clicking the red Confirm button, they are taken to a screen where they are given the options to add their spots to their Ical, Outlook, and Google Calendars.
Now, Confirmation emails also let volunteers link to their calendars, making it easier to keep commitments and do more good!
The VolunteerSpot team is listening! We continually update the system with new features and advancements based off user experience. Let us know what you love about VolunteerSpot and what other features and functions you would like to see! Email: feedback at volunteerspot dot com