Have you heard this term?
I think I have, you know, over the course of time.
Last week though, a friend shared how she set out to accomplish "inbox zero".
Several hours and a bit of frustration later ~ she claimed victory.
Of course, this got me thinking. What would it take for me to do the same?
Short Answer:
an entire Saturday
I've often proclaimed my love for Google & the difference between a to-do list and a task list. But last Saturday I married the two.
Using Labels for Inbox Zero
In Gmail I have well over 1,500 "labels". {{gasp}} These are ways to organize the emails similar to a digital file folder ~ only better because you can label one email with as many as you need.
an email about the organizing assembly is labeled with "Organizing Curriculum" as well as "Active Clients" & "6th Grade 2012" ~ because those are the things I would be looking for if I needed to relocate it in the future
Now ... archive away. Wah-la = Inbox Zero.
Don't worry, the search capability is amazing, if I ever need to find it again.
And don't forget ~ we only access 20% of the things we file away 80% of the time.
Productivity with Inbox Zero
But wait.
What about all the emails hanging out, waiting for a response - or worse, for you to respond once you hear from someone else?
Enter {dun-da-da-dun} the "add to tasks" action!
Yes, I know. You're going to run out & get yourself a gmail account now, right?
By simply using the "add to tasks" function I created a to-do item with the email and was able to file away the one cluttering up my inbox.
See, the difficult part of Inbox Zero is the virtual out-of-sight-out-of-mind concern. But the bigger problem for most folks is the its-too-overwhelming feeling when their inbox is so full.
I know, you're wondering :: What if I don't use Gmail?
Getting to Know You Inbox Zero
Take a look at your current email screen. What do you see? Is it high time you went exploring? Should you go on a date with your inbox? Grab a favorite beverage and click yourself into a more meaningful relationship?
If the options fall short of a productive solution you can always use your current email to get an iGoogle account. Then with a few geeky clicks you too can be enjoying Gmail, as well as, Inbox Zero bliss!
You know I'm curious! Join me on the VolunteerSpot Facebook Page ...
Have you accomplished Inbox Zero or do you struggle with email overload?
Keepin' it Tidy,
April is a Mental Clutter Expert | Mom of 2 boys | Wife to 1 Fireman | Horrible Cook | Loyal Friend | National Public Speaker who gives you permission to be imperfect
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