Volunteer Spotlight: Amy Lutz, Colby and Cate's Charities, Inc., Carmel, Indiana
Colby & Cate's Charities Inc., is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of children with critical illness and severe injuries requiring extensive treatment and/or rehabilitation. Colby & Cate's Charities is run solely by volunteers and funded by our generous sponsors and donors.
Today, our Volunteer Spotlight shines on Amy Lutz, founder of Colby and Cate's Charities, Inc. Amy uses VolunteerSpot to help coordinate volunteers for their annual benefit and carnival.
Please tell us about your event and it's purpose.
Ten years ago instead of throwing a one- year- old birthday party with needless gifts for our son we decided to try something that could benefit someone/something. Our idea was have our guests bring gifts for our local children's hospital. We are in our 10th year, and the event is run entirely by volunteers and sponsors.
We have raised nearly $200,000 for Riley Hospital for Children here in Indianapolis. This year, we raised $60,000 and secured a $15,000 grant to the hospital by Sallie Mae Financial. We are the hospital's biggest one day private fundraiser. We have room named after us in the new section of the hospital as well as at the Ronald McDonald house on the hospital campus. Our event takes place at our home in Westfield, Indiana (about 20 miles north of Indy).
This year we had an estimated 1,100 people coming throughout the day. We have a kid friendly portion from 2-6 with a carnival-like atmosphere as well as Miss Indiana, Miss Teen Indiana, and several pro athletes from the Indianapolis Colts and Indiana Pacers. We also have 2 Colts Cheerleaders that lead a cheerleading mini-camp. We wrap up the evening with dinner and an adult themed night complete with a live band, 3 comediennes, and a DJ. We employed 32 volunteers through using Volunteerspot and will need even more next year as our day gets bigger every year. Our second daughter was born during the second year of the event.
Please tell us about your volunteer needs.
I need volunteers throughout the day for carnival-like games, bounce house supervisions, applying fake tattoos, running different events, helping in the kitchen with caterers, trash, and fill ins/substitutes etc...
Explain how you use VolunteerSpot to coordinate these volunteers.
I can make a list of each event, how many people I need and the job description. Volunteers can sign up based on their skill set or I can place them later where I think they would shine.
What’s one piece of advice you have for volunteers or their leaders out there?
Make sure that the job description is clear and that each volunteer knows what is expected such as times, job set, and who they will be working with. Make sure everything is set up ahead of time with printed instructions of what you expect and the job expectations. Also, find someone to be the "supervisor". Print off the spreadsheet/PDF on Volunteerspot and put it on a clip board. Have the supervisor check in the volunteers, guide them to their appropriate locations and reassure the volunteers that they can contact the supervisor with questions or replacements should they need to use the bathroom, get a drink etc....
Always over staff. It's better to have too many volunteers and than not enough.
Why did you decide to use VolunteerSpot?
First, it was free....we are a non for profit. Second, it was easy to use.
I love the email reminders and being able to email volunteers their volunteer service hours forms.
Anything else you’d like our readers to know about your organization or volunteering?
Please know that most organizations depend solely on the volunteers. Volunteering shouldn't be taken lightly. Don't say you will volunteer for an event and not show up. You put not only the organizer but the participants in a spot. Everyone wants a successful event and the volunteer is vital for that.
To learn more, visit www.colbyandcate.org
We salute Amy and all the other volunteer leaders out there making a difference. If you're using VolunteerSpot, write and tell us about what you're doing and give us a chance to shine our Volunteer Spotlight on you!! Just email us at [email protected].