6 Must-Read Tips for Every School Fundraiser
Is planning your school fundraiser causing you stress? The sheer size of it, the parent volunteers, the time it takes…it’s a lot to coordinate. If you’re trembling at the thought of helping organize the school fundraiser this year, fear not!
Simplify your School Fundraiser with these 6 Tips:
1. Clear Goals & Objectives: Let your goals and objectives define HOW you will raise money this year – how much money does your school need to raise, what is the budget for pulling off your fundraiser, and how many school families are willing to participate? Community-building fundraisers like carnivals, walkathons and auctions are best when you have an abundance of parent volunteers. If parents are scarce to volunteer but they’re willing to open their wallets in support of the school, pick a product fundraiser. Don’t forget, fundraising is not just about the money raised, but about cultivating and growing a community of parents who are dedicated supporting your school.
2. What Works: Maybe the same ol’ fundraiser doesn’t cut it with your parent community any more. Are parents bored with your product choices or is it difficult to recruit volunteers for annual events like Walkathon or Carnival? You don’t know unless you ASK. Conduct online surveys via email, your school’s website and Facebook to find out how parents and donors will be most compelled to give and participate.
3. Something for Everyone: Consider fundraisers that allow families to participate on different levels. Tight budgets are a reality not just for schools but for families too – make giving possible for everyone by encouraging fundraising opportunities that more families can take part in and feel proud that they too have contributed. For example, if Auction tickets are $40, consider also selling raffle tickets at $10 each so more families can contribute.
4. Sell Your Case: Before parents open their pocketbooks, they want to know where their money is going and how their contribution will improve the school community. Host a fun social activity (e.g. a picnic, ice cream social or bbq) to let them know WHY you’re raising money – i.e. to purchase new technology or to fund playground renovations. Share images on Pinterest or on your parent organization web page with details and estimates.
5. Boost Buzz with Social Media : Traditional posters, newsletters and emails should still be an important part of your publicity plan for the fundraiser. Get more amplification and dive into the 21st century by adding parent advocates on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. TIP: See our tips on Supercharging your Fundraisers with Social Media!
6. Easy Volunteer Coordination: It’s a stark reality that without volunteers, fundraisers just can’t happen. Streamline the volunteer process with VolunteerSpot’s free online signup sheetsand ramp up parent involvement while building your community too! Whether it’s for the huge carnival, the sales committee or the weekly concessions booth, VolunteerSpot boosts parent participation by making the sign up process more efficient (with automated reminders too)!