Show Volunteers How Easy It Is to Sign Up Online with VolunteerSpot
While free online sign up sheets make coordinating volunteers faster and easier, it is hard to save time if your volunteers are not totally on board with a new system. Your inbox and voicemail may still fill up with volunteers who are just not comfortable with signing up online, or simply are too timid to jump in. Ease everyone into efficiency with VolunteerSpot with these six tips:
1. Sign up on the Spot! Download VolunteerSpot's free iPad app, Clipboard, and sign volunteers up on the spot at your next meeting, community night, or practice. Signing up with the app will still issue volunteers a confirmation message and introduce them to the system in a one-on-one way.
2. Introduce Them! If paper sign ups and spreadsheets have been the norm for your organization, make a point to introduce VolunteerSpot to your group prior to inviting volunteers to sign up. Whether it's in an introductory email or at the committee meeting, it won't take more than a handful of minutes to explain how the online sign up system works and to ask volunteers to keep their eyes peeled for email invitations.
3. Show the video tour! Embed the video tour with your activity links on your site, or simply email to volunteers with the sign up link - watching how the sign up works in a couple minutes will ease their fears and encourage more people to participate! Bonus: Address privacy concern by sharing VolunteerSpot's privacy policy and ensuring volunteers their information is completely secure.
4. Get help! Find a tech-timid volunteer who has signed up before with VolunteerSpot and ask them to spread the word and offer to help others who are afraid to jump in. Their experience and perspective will help other volunteers realize how fast and simple it is!
5. Detail the Steps! List the sign up steps quickly with your invitation or introductory email - even something as simply as, "Click the gold Sign Up button to fill a spot," will help volunteers move quicker through the intuitive flow of the sign up. Don't miss: Example Text When Inviting By Shareable Link
6. Thank Your Volunteers! When you let your volunteers know how much easier the coordination will be for you, the organizer, and them, they will certainly be more willing to give it a try and see how great signing up online is!