7 Ways to Eco-fy Your Volunteer Events
Go GREEN this Spring with simple yet effective practices that will help your volunteer group reduce their carbon footprint and make a bigger impact with their GOOD work! Check out our top 7 ideas:
1. Carpool! Encourage volunteers to ride with one another to destination events or even just to meetings. Reducing emissions is key to being environmentally-friendly and car pooling is hands down one of the easiest ways to take action.
2. Offer re-usables! Network with local sponsors to donate small reusable bags for your carnival, auction, or rummage sale. Large fundraisers like these often result in many plastic bags being handed out and eventually thrown away; reusable bags are a great alternative that give your fundraiser a 'green' edge. See Bringing the 3 R's to Your Carnival Fundraiser.
3. Organize online! Forget countless paper sign up sheets, notes, and lost documents - coordinate volunteers online fast and easy with free online sign up sheets! 24/7 online access from a computer or mobile device and automated reminders make volunteering more convenient and eco-friendly!
4. Do it in the dark! Make it a point to hold one meeting a month or one special project in the dark - keep lights off and use sunlight to your benefit.
5. Environmental Initiatives! If your volunteer group is looking for new projects to inspire for good, try an eco-friendly activity like planting a community garden, hosting a community clean-up, or walking to raise awareness of a special cause. Check out 6 Enviromental Service Ideas!
6. Use real-ware! Lose the plastic forks and styrafoam cups at your volunteer and group functions and opt for reusable mugs and real silverware that can easily be washed.
7. Recycle! Does your group find it hard to recall which "numbers" your town or city recycles? Make it common knowledge by prominently posting what materials can and should be recycled in the office and kitchen areas of your building.