Amidst the family gatherings, parades and picnics, Memorial Day is a cherished time to honor the men and women of service who sacrificed their lives for the freedom and well-being of our country. We salute these heroes and celebrate that they lived with such bravery and compassion. Here are random acts of kindness to honor the fallen and show your appreciation for the veterans all around us:
1. Visit and lay flowers at the grave of a fallen soldier
2. See a soldier while you're eating out? Pick up their tab
3. Personally thank a solider for their sacrifice with a hug or handshake
4. Drive a veteran to an appointment or help them run errands
5. Deliver cards for veterans at your local VA hospital
6. Send care packages to troops overseas - more info here
7. Pay a bill for a family with a parent who is deployed
8. Visit a veteran at your local Veteran's Home or VA Hospital
9. Adopt a US soldier - more info here
10. Thank a serviceman or woman you know on social media