Volunteer Spotlight | Joanna Keiss
VolunteerSpot's online signup sheets can be used in a viriety of ways. Today, our Volunteer Spotlight shines on Joanna Keiss, Library Media Specialist at St. Joseph School, who uses it to coordinate parent volunteers who help administer online reading tests, to organize volunteers who help with meal organization, and for parents who help out in the lunchroom at school.
Tell us about your role as a volunteer leader.
I am a Library Media Specialist at St. Joseph School. I am in charge of organizing parent helpers to help students take computer generated reading tests.
How did you learn about VolunteerSpot, and how are you using it?
A parent brought VolunteerSpot to my attention, and showed me how to organize and implement events. She has been a great help as well, when questions arise. We then used this site for meal organization for people, and lunch time helpers in our cafeteria. We plan to use it when we have situations needing scheduling.
Why did you decide to use VolunteerSpot?
I like using VolunteerSpot because it is “user-friendly,” allowing us to easily create events, and invite people. It also remembers people for future events.
New users find it nonthreatening as well, which is important when dealing with people of all computer abilities. I appreciate the simplicity, as well as the pricing; FREE! Our organization is on a tight budget and timetable, so every penny and moment saved, is greatly valued.
We keep using VolunteerSpot because it is so simple and fast. It almost makes you want to create an event just so you can use this handy organization and scheduling tool.
We salute Joanna and all the other volunteer community leaders out there making a difference in our world. If you're using VolunteerSpot, write and tell us about what you're doing and give us a chance to shine our Volunteer Spotlight on you!! Just email us at [email protected].