Fundraising Ideas for Schools, Teams & Clubs
Now entering the ring . . . the heavyweight school carnival and it's opponent, the novelty product fundraiser. Who will duke it out the longest? Who will win?
Forget the battle! When it comes to fundraising for schools, teams and clubs, it doesn't have to be a boxing match between big school community events and fast-money product sales. Bringing the two together is your recipe to go the distance and improve turnout (and profits) for your school!
Check out our favorite ways to match up both types of fundraisers:
1. Walkathon/Fun Run: Full and active participation makes these school events super fun for the whole community and great way to seamlessly integrate a product sale at your registration or water tents. Great fundraising products for active events include reusable water bottles, school spirit wear, and energy snack bars.
2. Concession Stand: Get your team spirit on with those nachos and popcorn! Pump up your booster club and athletic program fundraising with creative solutions from trusted fundraising companies like BRAX Fundraising. With loads of your favorite college and pro football team colors and logos, BRAX's unique line of Spirit Cups will be a hit with your school families! Check them out HERE
3. School Carnival/Festival: Your community event already has what you need - booths! Add one or two booths towards the entrance of your school carnival where parents can check out what awesome products they can order or redeem tickets for. Consider offering seasonal specialties like gourmet lollipops and pumpkins at the Fall Carnival, poinsettias, bulbs, and toffee at the Winter Fair, and tote bags or luxury sheets at the Spring Festival.
4. Holiday Events: Whether it's a performance, talent show, community night, you name it, the holidays are jam-packed with school family fun. What better way to reach out with a message of support your school through fun, useful products like luxury chocolates, gift items, and wrapping paper?
5. 'Green' Programs: Environmental awareness programs, 'green' movie screenings and rummage sales are prime places to set up a pop-up shop for your 'green' product fundraiser! Reusable labels, fair trade coffee and chocolates & designer tote bags help your school raise money while promoting your eco-friendly mission.
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