Survey data shows times are changing and parents & teachers need to adapt

A recent survey by
VolunteerSpot &
WeAreTeachers of 1000 school parents and teachers reveals key data in understanding the need and use of parent volunteers in schools - where they can be most useful in the classroom, how they impact the learning environment, and where disconnects in communication and coordination lie between teachers and parents.
Click the image on the right to view the full infographic, and check out the 3 key takeaways below:
1. Parents are online! Where 64% of teachers are sending physical notes and flyers home with updates and announcements, parents largely want to be notified online - via email and with signup links to
online volunteer calendars.
School parents are parents on-the-go, so notices which they can read on their smartphones and mobile devices are vital for alerting, updating, and getting them involved. When teachers need help in the classroom or have news about assignments, school events, and parent-teacher conferences, they are likely to get a better response when reaching out via digital methods.
2. School budget cuts hurt! Where teaching aides and assistants used to be the norm, school budget cuts have wiped out this necessary presence that gives students more one on one time in regards to their learning. Not only that, but teachers are losing their jobs across the country at a time when schools are more packed than ever.
Teachers vitally need assistance with tutoring, learning centers, one-on-one reading and other curriculum support from class parents. Survey data shows parents show up in droves for field trips, class parties and donating items to the classroom, but it's these more education-based volunteer jobs that leave teachers wanting.
3. Community Fundraisers are a hit! School parents love community fundraisers,with 71% reporting they most like to attend bookfairs, 66% school community nights and 62% carnivals and festivals.
This data can help schools in understanding how to get more parents involved in fundraising by turning the annual wrapping paper or magazine subscription sale into something more unified and familial for school families. Check out our top ideas for adding your product fundraiser to school community events
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About the Survey
This 2013 survey was conducted in two parts. Volunteer Spot conducted an online survey of 500 parents from their volunteer database. WeAreTeachers conducted an online survey with 661 educators. (Email invitations were sent out to 150,000 K-12 grade classroom teachers, school secretaries, and librarian/media specialists.) Data collection took place in late May and early June.
About WeAreTeachers
WeAreTeachers was founded with the mission to connect educators with the resources they need to be successful inside as well as outside the classroom. Whether it's offering financial resources through grants and contests, providing inspiration with teacher-created lesson plans or empowering teachers with professional development opportunities, we strive to be a source of innovation and ideas for educators so that they can, in turn, inspire learners.
About VolunteerSpot
Launched in 2009, VolunteerSpot simplifies the volunteer experience with free online coordination tools that empower a legion of busy parents, teachers and community leaders to easily recruit and organize volunteers as well as fundraise. VolunteerSpot supports more than 3 million users nationwide. VolunteerSpot’s new iPhone App, “Sign Up”, was a Top 10 Productivity App in July. VolunteerSpot was recognized by Inc. magazine as the number one Top Time-Saving App for Moms in 2012 and as a Cool Mom Pick - Coolest Websites for 2011.