Update: This sweeps is over as of Monday, Sept. 16th, 2013
Deadline EXTENDED! Thousands of parents have already taken the pledge to volunteer this year (thank you!), but with many schools just heading back after Labor Day, some have asked for a little more time to GET MORE ENTRIES for their school. So we have officially extended the deadline to enter for TWO more weeks, until September 15th, 2013
If you've already entered, now is your chance to get on the horn (or email, or Facebook) and remind your friends to take the pledge too. It only takes a few minutes to help your school win.
And if you haven't taken the pledge yet, pledge now.
Get Spotted Volunteering to WIN $1500 for Your School
School budgets are tighter than ever these days, so wouldn’t it be awesome to win an extra $1,500 for your school?
This back-to-school season, VolunteerSpot is giving away THREE (3) grants of $1,500 each to school-parent groups (like the PTA, PTO, etc.) around the country. The winners will be chosen at random so the more entries your school gets, the more chances you have to win.
How to Enter to Win (You can do one of these, or all.)
1. Use VolunteerSpot by Sept. 15th, 2013 to Take the Pledge to volunteer for your school. Don’t worry if you don’t have a specific activity to sign up for yet; just make the commitment to help out with one thing this school year.
Just be sure to include your school’s name when prompted during the easy registration process. Boom! You’ve got 1 entry already.
2. Use VolunteerSpot’s FREE online sign up sheets by Sept 15th* to organize the parent volunteers for any school activity: back-to-school events, classroom helpers, carnivals, book fairs, hospitality teams & potlucks, concessions - any activity that involves multiple volunteers will be easier to manage with online sign ups and scheduling.
3. If you are a TEACHER, we have a special contest just for you. So be sure to check out the Teachers Win with VolunteerSpot sweeps here too.
How to Get More Chances for Your School to Win
Invite (okay, bug) your neighborhood friends and fellow parents to use VolunteeerSpot too. Every new Pledge and new activity organized in VolunteerSpot.com counts as an entry for your school, so the more people you can get to sign up, the more entries to win $1,500 your school will get.
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, or even better, email your whole class and ask them to take the pledge too. You might even remind people to take the pledge when you see them on the first day of school. Isn’t it worth it for the chance to win $1,500 bucks for your school?
One Last Brilliant Idea
Maybe you’re not the person who gets super involved in organizing activities for your school, but you probably know who is. Send the link to this page (http://vols.pt/GSVOL) to the person you know who is most involved with your school’s parent/school organization. That way, even if you don’t need to organize an activity with VolunteerSpot right now, you can still help someone else out AND help your school win.
The Rules
If you have really bad insomnia, you can read the official rules here. Zzzzzz.
If not, here’s an easy-to-read summary:
- 3 schools will be chosen at random to win. Each will receive a $1,500 grant from VolunteerSpot for their designated school’s parent-teacher organization.
- You must be at least 18 years old to enter for your school.
- You must reside in the United States. (We know, we know, but international sweepstakes laws are just too complex for us to handle. We are sorry!)
- The following uses of VolunteerSpot count as entries: registering and school organizer or teacher/educator VolunteerSpot account (it's free!), setting up an activity, signing up for an activity someone else has set up, and pledging to volunteer.
- The sweeps will run from Aug 1- Aug 31st, so enter now! Winners will be drawn at random and notified in September.
If you still have questions, please click HELP at the top of VolunteerSpot.com and contact us.
Have a wonderful school year!
- The VolunteerSpot team
“VolunteerSpot has changed our PTA! Gone are the same 10 people helping. More parents are pitching in, our leaders are happy, our kids are better supported!”
Cindy R., PTA Leader
*Note: you can plan the activity (book fair, auction, etc. ) for any date. You just need to sign up for VolunteerSpot by Sept. 15th for the entries to count.