Safely Monitor Social Media Activity & Prevent Cyber Bullying
At VolunteerSpot, we love online tech tools and applications that help make parents lives easier. For that reason, we asked our friends and sponsor at KwickLook to share a little bit more about their social media monitoring resource for parents, check it out!
By: Chuck Chesler of
Parents are faced with the near-impossible task of making sure their children are safe and in good company when they’re on social media. I invented KwickLook to help me keep an eye on my kids’ social media activity. It’s the easiest way for other parents to have peace of mind when their kids are using social media.
Here’s what you need to know about KwickLook:
KwickLook is the first and only tool that enables parents to monitor their children’s social media use specifically.
Parents receive a daily email with the 3 most important updates that their child posted, was mentioned in, or commented on across each of their social networks.
This email is called Your Daily Email and it only takes 2.8 seconds (!) to read.
Parents can take a closer look at their child’s activities in a dashboard view by logging in to KwickLook or clicking on a post in Your Daily Email.
Unlike Net Nanny or filtering software, KwickLook doesn’t stop kids from being kids—it just keeps their parents in the loop so they can be there to help and guide them.
KwickLook DOES inspire conversations with their kids about trust and boundaries, and our website has tips for parents on how to ask for their child’s passwords.
KwickLook integrates with The Big Four: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram.
KwickLook costs $3.99/month or $19.99/year (20% off). Parents can add as many kids as they have. Get started today for free at