How to Say No & Mean Yes
Saying 'not this time' to volunteering in school is a practical necessity at times for sure, but the need to refuse helping with another class party, another field trip, another school service project isn't always based purely on schedule conflicts is it? If you find yourself saying no to another school volunteer request, try saying no to these volunteer roadblocks instead:
Say NO to reply-all emails > Lose the inbox clutter and frustrating 'reply-all' mayhem and opt for free online signups and volunteer calendars with automated reminders instead. Try VolunteerSpot today or recommend to your room parent, PTA leader, principal, you name it!
Say NO to drama > Focus on the important work of volunteering in school and NOT the drama of mom cliques or parent-teacher group bureacracy. Practice these school volunteer guidelines for not getting distracted and making the most of your vital time in the classroom.
Say NO to not feeling useful > If you're showing up to help at school and have no clue where you're needed, ASK for direction, make up a job for yourself, or relay the miscommunication to your room parent or volunteer coordinator so it doesn't happen again.
Say NO to paper phone trees and lost directories > Check out the only school directory app out there, DirectorySpot! Carry all the contact and school info you need right on your mobile device; customize with school colors and logos, and even share a sponsorship page. Learn more
Say NO to volunteering in the classroom > So you really and truly cannot make it in to the classroom to read, chaperone or help - that's ok! Lose the guilt trip and find creative ways to volunteer from home - update the classroom blog or social accounts, manage the school Pinterest boards, or make cutouts for the teachers door or bulletin board. More ideas here
Say NO to another school fundraiser > Budgets are tight and contributing to another school fundraiser simply isn't in the cards. You can still help donate for FREE with awesome apps and online tools like Shoparoo (scan and upload receipts) and Bing in the Classroom (search with Bing and earn rewards).