33 Random Acts of Kindness . . . Make Someone's Day!
We are so excited to celebrate World Kindness Day with you! As a free online signup tool people and groups use all over the world to coordinate do-gooders and volunteers, we want to share our favorite 'kind' acts anyone can do today!
1. Give someone a hug . . . like now!
2. Buy coffee for the person behind you in line
3. Leave a nice card on a stranger's windshield
4. Wish someone a great day
5. Hold the door for a series of people
6. Smile at someone
7. Be nice on the road and let people by
8. Donate to your favorite charity
9. Rake a neighbor's leaves
10. Write a thank you letter to a civil servant
11. Do a quick park cleanup with the kids
12. Call your grandparents
13. Donate canned goods to your local food bank
14. Give gently used clothes and coats to your local re-store
15. Hand out water bottles, granola bars & socks to homeless people you see
16. Mail a card to a friend you haven't connected with in a long time
17. Help a homebound neighbor with groceries or an errand
18. Give a stranger a gift card
19. Say THANK YOU to the folks in your life you often forget
20. Facebook or tweet a compliment to five people you know
21. Compliment your favorite server to their manager
22. Leave a big tip on your check
23. Pay the toll for the person behind you
24. Send flowers to an unsuspecting friend or family member
25. Give someone chocolate . . . because, well, chocolate
26. Recycle your old electronics
27. Fill up a bunch of parking meters for the next resident
28. Hold the elevator
29. Donate dog or cat food to a local animal shelter
30. Encourage someone, anyone
31. Call your mom
32. Ding dong ditch a new mom a delicious dinner
33. Bring your child's teacher a latte
More "kind" resources: