Cheers to Parent Volunteer Leaders!
Jennifer volunteers at full speed for her children’s schools, where she delves into a series of vital roles including being a room parent! Jennifer told us how VolunteerSpot makes her position as parent leader and coordinator as smooth as possible:

1. Tell us about your role as a parent volunteer leader.
I am currently the PTA vice president and volunteered to organize a food booth fundraiser at our high school's street fair. I also have a child in elementary school and additionally help as a room parent for his school.
2. How do you use VolunteerSpot to coordinate your parent volunteers?
For our high school’s street fair, it was so easy to use VolunteerSpot! I requested help and set a schedule. I published the request and VolunteerSpot did the rest. I loved the organization. Everyone could see who was volunteering for what job and it all happened in real time slot duplicates, no confusion and no "no-shows” because reminders were sent out right before the event.
I also used VolunteerSpot for my child’s elementary school event, and VolunteerSpot helped us organize everything and again no duplicates on donation offers. It was one simple email request without the tons of emails going back and forth.
3. Why did you decide to use VolunteerSpot?
I decided to use VolunteerSpot when one of my friends told me about it. I am so glad I did and then I told my co-room parents about it! I am ecstatic we have VolunteerSpot as one of our tools to help organize events. It certainly makes heading up a committee a lot easier! I love your slogan, "Doing Good Just Got Easier" because it is certainly true!
4. What other activities are you involved in as a volunteer?
I volunteer a great deal at my children's schools. My two older sons attend the same high school and I am the PTO vice-president. I also coordinate a teacher wish list for special teacher requests, work with the prom committee, act as a judge for our high school's speech team and basically fill in where there is a need.
At the elementary school, I am a co-room parent, volunteer as needed on an ongoing basis and help in the library for my son's class. My husband volunteers as a coach for our community youth football league.
5. What’s one piece of advice you have for parent volunteers out there?
My advice for other parents is get out there and get involved! Even if you only have a bit of time, it makes a world of difference to your school and most of all to your children. My older sons both volunteer in the summer and during the school year for various community organizations. They grew up seeing my husband and I volunteer and now I am so proud they work to make a difference in the community.
We salute Jennifer and all the other teachers and volunteers making a difference in their communities. Check out how VolunteerSpot’s Volunteer Software can save you time and stress and boost parent involvement in your school. Take a tour today!