Family Volunteer Ideas
Thanks to RewardVolunteers for this inspiring guest post. RewardVolunteers makes it easy to do GOOD, earn rewards and spread the word about helping others.
Shine a light on service this Summer with these creative and FUN volunteer ideas for kids of all ages!
K – 6 > You’re never too young to give back! We love these easy, kid-friendly ideas for helping others:
- Make a treat with mom for an elderly neighbor or new mom like Light & Classic Lasagna or Baked Macaroni & Cabot Cheddar
- Host a lemonade stand and give the proceeds to a local cause
- Donate gently used toys & books to a children’s shelter
- Write/decorate cards for shut-ins, troops overseas (using leftover artwork from school)
- Volunteer with mom or dad at a local animal shelter walking, grooming dogs
Teens > Encourage your teen to join their friends in planning a special service project over the Summer:
- Clean and landscape the green space of a local school or nonprofit
- Collect change, allowance and summer job tips over the season to donate
- Host a bake sale for your neighborhood or community and donate the earnings; try baking easy recipes like Lemon-Yogurt Poundcake, Blueberry Lemon Cheesecake Squares, or Whole Grain Quiche
- Mentor, coach or tutor a young person (neighbor, friend) at no charge
- Join your faith group or other on a mission trip or Habitat build
Youth/Adults > It’s easy to weave service into fun Summer events and activities you already have planned:
- Take part in a fundraiser or event where proceeds benefit your community, i.e. Fun Run
- Volunteer with a local wildlife museum, nature center or parks department event
- Share your time and talents at a Summer workday for church, childhood camp or school
- Pick up a Meals on Wheels route or plant extra veggies in the garden to donate to a homeless shelter. Check out Cabot's Cheddar Cheese Fudge.
- Turn your gathering into a food drive – ask for donations of canned goods at the next bbq or pool party
Get rewarded for all your GOOD work with RewardVolunteers! Reward Volunteers is a free, easy way to track the time you spend volunteering in your community and to earn rewards for your contributions. You can also amplify your good work on social media to spread the word and get friends involved. Prizes include vacations, cash, cruises and much more. Get started