School Store Sign-Ups & Best Practices
Pump up your school store this year with time-saving & creative ideas like these:
Organize volunteers
Forget the hassle of manually organizing school store volunteers with paper sign-up sheets and 'reply-all' emails! Quick sign-up and manage all your school store helpers with free online sign-ups and scheduling tools from VolunteerSpot.
School Store Volunteer Sign-Up (Volunteer Mobile View)
School parents can sign up for shifts at anytime, from anywhere, on any device! eCalendar syncing and automated email reminders keep everyone on track. Get started
Choose Merchandise
Stock up early and often for those school store goodies that go fast like traditional basics including pencils, erasers, and notebooks. Consult teachers as well, as they have their finger on the pulse of what school stuffs students love to use in the classroom. And schedule regular inventory checks by parent volunteers too to keep a sustainable and transparent profit margin.
Tell your school community about the school store both online and off. Post hours and merchandise options on your school’s website, in eNewsletters and on social media. Also put up posters and signs within the school itself to draw attention from parents, staff and students walking the halls.
Include Students
Integrate student rewards and volunteer opportunities into how your school store runs throughout the year! Kids will love seeing their friends behind the booth and can bring an uplifting energy to operations. Encourage teachers to hand out coupons for free school store items for top grades or the chance to volunteer there for an afternoon.
Add Specials
Advertise special deals or new merchandise on the morning announcements. Make sure to stock up on spirit wear before pep rallies, and include limited quanitities of novelty and holiday-themed items throughout the year that students will want to get their hands on, i.e. Halloween pencil toppers, school t-ishirts, etc.