How Teens Can Be Safe Digital Citizens on Social Media
Our friends at GoEnnounce are serving up tons of great social media safety tips for students and their parents. Check out an excerpt of their popular article below and read the entire thing here.
Social Media continues to become a bigger part of our daily lives. It’s important to understand how to control the information you are putting out there to use social media safely. One area that many students overlook is privacy. We like to think checking a few boxes will keep all our information safe, available only to those we’ve marked as friends, but the reality is more complex. Follow these best practice methods to protect yourself and use social media effectively.
Colleges and Businesses Are Watching
As part of the applicant screening process, many colleges and potential employers are looking towards social media to judge your potential. A 2014 Kaplan survey found that 35% of college admissions officers admitted to visiting an applicant’s social media page to learn more about them.
What Does Your Social Media Say About You?
Think about your social media accounts. Do your profile, posts and comments represent the true you? Do you showcase your achievements both inside and outside of school? Do you look like a hard worker, or do you look like someone who’s always hanging with friends and ready for a good time? Are there suggestions of inappropriate behavior on your page? What about your “followers” or who you are “following”? The people you are connected to, who tag you in photos, or leave comments on your social media can . . .
Catch the rest of this great post, click here.
Related: Overwhelmed by Apps? 3 Strategies for Parents connects students with their networks to help them achieve more. It's a safe place for students to e-nnounce and track achievements, projects, and goals to get the encouragement and financial help they need to succeed. Start a Student Page and apply for our monthly scholarship here.