Fun ways to break the Open-House Night Ice
Break the ice with your new classroom parents at Back to School night with fun, interactive games that help everyone feel at ease and get to know one another!

Choose M&Ms
Ask your parents to select an M&M from a bowl and plan out different tasks for specific colors. For example, if someone selects a red M&M, they must share their favorite school memory and etc.
Play Would You Rather
There’s no better way to get to know someone than a round of Would You Rather. Look to Creative With Kids for pre-made questions to get to know your classroom of parents.
Welcome With A Poem
Prepare some words of encouragement and welcome with your own string of creativity. Throw in some genuine rhymes and you’ll surely start Open House night with a good time!
Check Off the Scavenger Hunt
Allow your parents to interact with each by providing a list of items they have to hunt down in a certain amount of time. Ask for business cards, pictures of kids and anything you can think of.
Draw Your Kid
See how your students’ parents really see them. Ask your parents to draw their little ones in a certain amount of time and test their creative abilities and memories. Make it a competition between mothers and fathers to make it interesting.
Guess With Charades
Start a short game of charades to get the Open House going. Make topics all educational, of course and test parents’ elementary knowledge to see who knocks each round out of the park.
Get Social
We live in a digital world and so do your kids. Ask parents to create a series of social profiles – of their kids, of them as their child’s age or whatever else you can come up with! It’ll really take them back!
Set Goals and Share
Everyone should have goals for this school year, so ask your students’ parents what theirs are. You will have a better understanding of your students’ backgrounds and how to incorporate the parents’ expectations into your lesson plans.
Choose A Question
Prepare a fishbowl of unusual questions that will make your icebreaker fun, different and interactive. Ask questions you normally won’t, such as What is the story behind your name? Have each parents choose a questions at random and enjoy their answers!
Guess Which Kid
You know that Open House is coming up, so before you run out of time, ask your students to write down five facts about themselves. Save those facts and recite them to the parents and see if they can guess their kid.
Round Up Family Feud
Divide your parents into teams and give each a buzzer and create your own version of Family Feud. Categories can be relative to your grade level and school subjects or pop culture – the possibilities are endless!
Connect Stories
Organize your parents into small groups and provide them with writing materials. Ask one to share a memory with the group and each member must add to the story by connecting it with his or her memory. Ask each group to recite their full story to everyone.
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